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unilever dataroid case study

Unilever boosts growth and customer experience on its digital channels

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Unilever, one of the world’s leading suppliers of food, home, and personal care products in over 190 countries, touches the lives of 2 billion consumers every day. Unilever is constantly in pursuit of innovation and aims to digitize all aspects of its business to leverage the world of data and increase its digital capabilities.
Unilever Turkey has various digital platforms targeting B2C and B2B customers: SiparişDirekt, B2B online order management platform, Algida mobile app, online loyalty platform for Algida brand, and Marketyo, online grocery platform enabled by markets and small retailers. The company wanted to have a better understanding of user behaviour across these digital channels, improve customer engagement and conversion with real-time personalized communication.

“Dataroid has significantly increased our conversion rates both on our web and mobile channels and has enabled us to give our customers and partners much better service. Thanks to Dataroid platform, we can easily inform and engage with our users on latest campaigns and new products.”

Çağla Taşkeser

B2B Digital Trade Marketing Manager, Unilever Turkey


Contextual and personalized online campaigns

Unilever has easily integrated Dataroid into its multiple digital platforms to create contextual and personalized online campaign communications which lead to better conversion within the apps

Introducing new products and promotions through enriched communication

Unilever also leveraged enriched communication and targeting to introduce new products as well as promotions while analyzing the impact through Dataroid’s analytics dashboard.

Creating seamless digital user experience

Dataroid’s application performance monitoring capability helps Unilever to identify issues that impact user experience and launch corrective actions.

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Increased conversion rates at multiple channels with analytics and monitoring capabilities of Dataroid

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Increased engagement rates through customized in-app messages & targeted push notifications

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Reactivation of passive users through targeted push notifications

0 %

cart conversion rate increase with segmented notifications at Marketyo

0 %

rate of newcomers converted into purchase orders at Marketyo

0 %

rate of reactivated passive users through push notifications at Siparişdirekt

0 %

rate of reactivated passive users through in app messages

Drive your digital growth

Schedule a demo today to learn more on how we can help you unleash the potential of digital using Dataroid.