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work for you.

Dataroid turns millions of data points into actionable customer intelligence. Whether you’re looking to increase your engagement or convert more customers, Dataroid has machine learning capabilities to help you discover new insights and take better actions.

Data Science

RFM SEGMENTATION (Recency, Frequency, Monetary)

Better understand your customers based on their past behaviour

Identifying existing users who are most likely to respond to new offers and turn them into your loyal customers is one of the key factors in driving your revenue. RFM stands for recency, frequency, and monetary value. With RFM Segmentation you can group your customers based on their purchase history- how recently, with what frequency and what value they made their purchases.


Predict and prevent customer churn

Attracting a new customer can cost up to five times more than it does to retain an existing one. This is why businesses need to focus efforts to nurture existing customers who are more likely to churn. Using predictive analytics, Dataroid enables marketers to identify the group of customers who have a high churn potential and take action using a single platform.


Identify outliers without effort

Every day, Dataroid helps you collect massive volumes of data and analyze how your customers behave. To understand how their behaviors change over time, you need to dedicate time and effort. Using machine learning algorithms, Dataroid helps you make better and faster decisions by identifying anomalies and outliers in user behavioral data.


Take out the guesswork

Today's consumer receives a lot of messages through various channels -e-mail, push or SMS. They might receive transactional notifications informing them that their package is on the way, or campaign messages letting them know about upcoming sales. With Dataroid's engagement time optimization, you can cut the noise and ensure that your message arrives during each user's personal high-engagement window.

Learn how to forecast customer trends and behaviors with Dataroid

Unlock customer preferences

Analyze RFM segmentation to understand customer preference and needs and tailor offerings accordingly.
Improve customer satisfaction and competitiveness by preemptively addressing churn predictions.
Boost customer interaction and satisfaction with strategies that increase engagement time.
Unlock customer preferences
Take early action
Maximize customer engagement

Unlock customer preferences

Analyze RFM segmentation to understand customer preference and needs and tailor offerings accordingly.

Unlock customer preferences

Improve customer satisfaction and competitiveness by preemptively addressing churn predictions. Take early action
Boost customer interaction and satisfaction with strategies that increase engagement time. Maximize customer engagement


Dataroid enables businesses to delve deeper into user interactions on various digital channels. Dataroid’s main contribution to Advanced & Predictive Analytics lies in its ability to provide comprehensive insights into user behavior, segment users effectively, and leverage analysis with predictive modeling to approach anticipated future trends. This comprehensive approach empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, enhance user experiences, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Dataroid provides various Advanced and Predictive Analytics outcomes, including User Analytics, RFM Segmentation, Stickiness, Cohort Retention, Digital Churn Prediction, Event Likelihood, Impact Analysis, and many more.

Yes, all collected/generated behavioral data from digital channels can be used to create Advanced and Predictive Analytics outputs.

Stickiness Analysis allows businesses to understand habitual user behavior, facilitating the creation of strategies to nurture long-term relationships by boosting regular usage patterns and fostering loyalty.

Customer churn insights are valuable across industries, helping business performance and growth. Digital Churn Prediction is a valuable insight for businesses in a wide range of industries, including banking, airlines, telecom and retail. As an example, with churn prediction in the banking sector, personalized offers can be tailored to meet the special needs and preferences of at-risk customers. Dataroid lets you take your digital product analytics.

Cohort Retention aids in understanding user behavior patterns, allowing businesses to create personalized experiences and tailor services. It also supports the implementation of loyalty programs and guides businesses in developing targeted marketing campaigns and product improvements to meet specific user needs and preferences.

RFM Segmentation allows businesses to identify high-value and at-risk customer segments, enabling efficient resource allocation by focusing on retaining and nurturing these end-user segments, thereby maximizing return on investment in personalized communications.

Drive your digital growth

Schedule a demo today to learn more on how we can help you unleash the potential of digital using Dataroid.